February 2023

Each passionate user told us why they need early access to Wized V2.
Find an inspiration through exploring the passionate use cases of Wized users.
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Nacho Seoane

We will build a custom product creation.



Isaiah Gordon

I can design a sleek and user-friendly interface for a chatbot in Webflow and use Wized and the OpenAI API to create intuitive responses that keep users engaged. It's gonna be awesome!


Yassine El asri

I am building a website like hellofresh with selling recipes and food subscribtions but everything is Halal.



I want to create a platform where e-commerce companies can find the right e-fulfilment (3-PL) partner faster. I want to do this by building a web app that works as a lead generator. Where webshops fill out a questionnaire and on the other hand logistics companies who can then respond to these offers. The logistics companies pay per lead they get, and every lead has to be qualified.

Both the web shops and the logistics companies should be able to log into their personal dashboard. We need to be able to track the number of leads sent and invoice them at the end of the month.



Our first project will be a web app that streamlines our business, allowing our clients manage their projects, payments and project teams. This will allow us to get familiar with Wized before we start rolling it out for our clients.


Soma Szoboszlai

I have a GSAP function kit project with some exciting micro interactions for Webflow.

I sell it on gumroad, but I'd like to build a bigger GSAP animation library for Webflow and I'm thinking about Wized as a "backend" tool for this. I'd like to make different memberships for users, it'd be freemium. Also thinking about a basic UI kit for this.

I'd update users through Wized, manage support, etc. Hope you like the idea.


Tito Solano

I have a couple of ideas for creating my first digital products I would love to being able to make them happen!


Cameron Evans

First, I want to rebuild the CMS Dashboard for the Franchise, as I did run into some limitations, so I want to eliminate redundancies, and additional costs incurred for multiple apps I needed in order to achieve the full functionality. Second, I'm launching a 3D Print Business and want to utilize Wized to create a Business Management App to help others create a profitable 3D Business, might even use it to run Shopify or Webflow Ecommerce. Third, I want to build various, nuanced AI tools and want to build a community around this. Fourth, I want to use it to build enterprise-level dashboards, from Business Intelligence to CRM, Inventory, CMS, and more.



Our first project would be tracking and logistics software made for the jewelry industry. We have designed the full front end for one of our main clients and were itching to let build it out in Wized.


Rajat Sawhney

I will first build Fitgalaxy's website which helps people stay sustainably fit and healthy naturally without any supplements, pills, gyms or shortcuts.

I plan to make this purely on no code tools including Webflow, Wized (for our front end replacing the existing react js), and Xano or Firebase!



will build auction market like ebay, have a biding system



I will be building a fullstack parenting medical course that provide parents with parenting lessons helping them have a reference guideline in terms of building education with their kids


Alexander Koselka

Im planning on starting a marketplace, specific for products that help people with dementia. The goal for this is to give these kind of products a second life. People should place and find advertisements of products. Im not planning on integrating payments (yet).


Tim Murphy

A platform for small local businesses to automate their marketing with a focus on lead generation and triggering automation using their existing client databases.



I will build a software recommendation website where users can write reviews and the review is associated with the user.


Clayton Crockville

I will build a web-app that sends data to Airtable.


Kevin Levine

See above - Rebel Ants showcase display.


johan van wambeke

I get a lot of HR companies wanting a career portal for there website. I recommend them using Bullhorn because the backend is nice and I have happy customers on it. But it does not provide a career portal. So I currently have 3 options:

  • Write it in angular / VueJs
  • Fidget with zapier / airtable
  • Use a wordpress plugin ( iieuw )
  • Beg for a spot in the wized testing crew

Vincent Bidaux

A handful of numeric simulators, users enter values and/or manipulate sliders and get an answer about how much money they can save etc.

  • other more graphic immersive simulator.

Trent Warrick

We are working on bringing TechTarget and brighttalk’s service clients a portal for managing their reservations and service agreements. These products are managed in airtable and don’t get included in our technology product portals.

booking and managing products, as well as collecting assets from clients.


Bilal K

Custom client portal for businesses where they can receive offers give quotes let client see all invoices and make orders. Mostly for small local wholesalers


Steven Hilario

I have lots of exciting projects ahead but one I would like to do is a template for a job board where I can practice building a login system.


Charles Greenlee

I want to build an online ordering system for a local business that I am partnered with here in Prague. Right now, they use phone calls, Whatsapp, pen and paper to order things. I would like to build something with a better flow.


Faruq Bakre

I will build a flashcard app for students. Students can store information of what they've learned on the app and use it for revisions from time to time.


Brendin Venter

My first project has come out of a little bit of a nightmare situation working with React Native developers over the last 18 months spending over $40k to build the MVP of our startup IOS fitness app only to be burned in the process of the quality. 🤦‍♂️

So, the first order of business would be to build an mvp version of consciousbaboon.com.

It's a mobile fitness application aimed to help people implement daily healthy habits across the four pillars of health.

Essentially, the main focus point is delivery daily bite sized tips, thoughts and ideas as well as practical workouts, recovery sessions and mindset and nutrition practices.

I am 100% certain this can be done in Wized V2, together with Xano, Webflow and Build Natively to port the app to IOS.

I'm currently setting up the Webflow build for it, setting up our databases and using Wized V1 to test certain things.

To be honest with you it's do or die for our startup BUT I do think this would be a pretty wicked tech stack to try out with Wized regardless.



I want to make a SIMPLE dashboard for my clients to follow marketing, data and tasks of their website.

Give more (organize) data to clients and make


Shane Dolley

I will build a module for users to use as a pre-op calorie tracker


Adrian Moriconi

The first project will be a platform to help churches to develop their creative volunteers in media, production and music through a structured training and mentoring process. First team leads will assign a benchmark project to gauge their skillsets and work out where they need to start. From their team leaders will be able to assign specific training modules to volunteer users and submit works for revision by a panel of external professional mentors to provide feedback on areas to improve and additional development resources. This will help churches (or any organisation that relies on volunteers) to create a consistent creative standard and a clear path for development for volunteers who are passionate but inexperienced.


Keith Armstrong

Design assets marketplace.

Task management dashboard for ongoing Webflow services


Paulus Hendrix

My current client wants a "cost calculator" on their site. So pretty much a very long list of input fields, radio buttons, dropdown menus, etc. They make AR and VR content, lots of different services and products. And they have a pretty complicated way of figuring out the cost (or a quote at least). There are all sorts of conditions that have an influence on the cost. To sell their products/services they need a good way of figuring out a quote and follow up. I want to link all of this to an (airtable) database so prices can be adjusted easily.


Phillip Glickman

My mother-in-law is a realtor. I would love to develop a custom web app for her business that wows her clients. Currently, she relies on many apps to make her client's journey as enjoyable as possible. In time, I am sure I can develop something that would save her loads of time and blow away her clients.



We are in the process of building a travel app. Wized will be used to handeling our booking process. We need to build API connections to various other booking platforms. We also need to build automated communication for users. Lastly we need sync content on the app with NetSuite that stores everything.


Kacper Kozlowski

I want to develop a web application to manage a family business. A key aspect will be to create a system for onboarding customers, working order fulfillment for them, and effectively soliciting feedback at each stage of the process.


Tim Daff

I want to build a library of stateful components, and a Wized methodology for managing both local app state and remote data (Xano), designing and building reactive components for use in production projects.


Emily Frazier (espooks)

I have a Directus backend and a Webflow template right now for my platform cooperative, and all of it is heavily reliant on both APIs. We have more than 15 integrations on the platform for our users (youtube, crms, playback systems, equipment rentals, etc) and webflow membership does not get me anywhere near the auth required for end users to log into webflow and pull in all their specific data. I also am looking to pair in sveltekit to this project for ssr and believe i can achieve this with wized. We have hundreds of folks waiting on these key pieces to get what is needed to move the platform forward. There's about 100 other reasons too!!!!


Miles Albritton

My organization relies on a company Intranet that is assembled using Webflow, Airtable, and Memberstack, and it serves the daily needs of over 2000 employees. By leveraging the capabilities of Wized, I can efficiently implement a frontend service that enables my managers to independently manage the addition and removal of employees, freeing me from the need to guide them through the process.


Aadhithya Kota

I have a client that wants to create a quiz style learning experience for the elderly to understand technology better.


James Salvatore

One of our internal projects is to build an internal team portal to help connect the team.

Since going fully remote following COVID-19, staying connected is one of the many challenges we've experienced as a studio. The product we're designing is an internal portal that will help with onboarding new team members, house our studio policies, as well as assist with meeting booking across timezones, display resourcing from our company ClickUp lists, and sharing team holidays.


Greg Dolan

I have three apps which I want to build in Wized. However, the first one will hopefully be a Learning Management System (LMS) for a course I want to provide on Lean Six Sigma. I could go the route of using Teachable or Podia, but using Webflow/Wized/Xano to create an infinitely customizable LMS could set the business up for some serious scale that stays in the same ecosystem and on-brand.


Muhammad Toqeer Iqbal

Currently i am working on membership site using outseta with some complex functionality using JS but now wanted to use wized to rebuild this project.


Hasnain Riaz

I want to build an website like chat gpt and also and app on flutter as well using it.



Building an analytics dashboard to track custom events


Steve Balow

I am building a mentorship site for Physical Therapists. I want to use Wized to (1) provide gated and filtered access to our knowledge base (Outseta / Webflow member replacement) and (2) allow enterprise customers to private-label and customize our knowledge base.


Jeff Strang

We are launching in new initiative and platform within our business to specifically support clients working in the environmental and social good space.

The support goes beyond branding, design and development to include mentoring and networking opportunities from our long-standing network of professionals. This network includes people from finance and venture funding, engineering across multiple disciplines including renewable energy, plus recognised business leaders with proven international success.

Ideally we'd like to build the platform in Webflow with Wized and Xano as the supporting stack.

Marketing for the initiative is via our existing professional network in Europe and New Zealand, a dedicated fortnightly newsletter summarising current news in the space, and through organic and paid marketing on Twitter and Linked-In.


Tom Walsh

We can all agree that searching for a job sucks. Candidates spend hours on applications, only to then not even have their application looked at by a human.

I have built Kilo, a travel jobs marketplace, that aims to bring travel roles to life. Using Wized, I want to help the travel community beat Applicant Tracking Systems, write amazing cover letters and get help on their C.V.

Like most industries, recruitment in travel has become increasingly faceless. I want to give those looking for a job in travel, the best possible chance of achieving their dream role, and seeing the world as a result.

Thank you for considering my request, Wized team, and wishing you all the best for the release in the next few weeks.


Nathan Constantin

My first project is to create a web app. this application will allow the creation of a dynamic map which will indicate to the user the health professionals certified by the site.


Jesse DuFresne

I am going to build an online store based around the print on demand model. However, instead of the site being centered around the products offered. There will be a strong emphasize on featuring the artists who create the work. I'll probably focus on a niche art/graphic style. Artists will have unique profiles with all of their work and products. This will be built with Webflow, Wized, Xano, and Printful. Artists will be able to feature their social media, connect with customers, and manage their products from within the application. Customers will be able to browse by product type, artist, etc. I have a TON of other ideas that could further emphasize this focus on the artist that I am excited to bring to life... I just need to get the MVP started first!


Marlon Pollmeier

We want to build a custom Client Dashboard and Onboarding process with Wized.

We generate highly qualified applications for our clients in a very short period of time. Even if there is a so called "Fachkräftemangel" lack of skilled works in germany. We get the applications.

At the moment, our clients get all applications by mail.

We want to create a mini CRM for all the aplication-leads that a client gets, so he has a overview and data statistics on how good our recruiting campaigns are running.

We also want to create an option that a customer can directly book new campaigns from his login.

When we are onboarding a new customer, we have PDF with some question about the job description, the client has to fill out. We also want to automate and digitalize this in the registration process in our Wized-WebApp.

All in all, we can't wait to implement this on our website and show it to our clients.

Our clients can't wait to get access to this, because they told us they love that idea!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to apply to the early access.

I am looking forward to your reply!

Dear sincerely Marlon from GoodVibes Digital.


Taylor Bartlett

An event planning, virtual event, and sponsor management tool.


Alexander Fountain

Most likely a real estate listing browsing service


Usama Rehman

I have a client who want to migrate all their API requests to no code tool for their custom ecommerce web app on Webflow


Carlos Cruz

The first product to build will be a unified booking, purchasing, and educational system for spa/salon members and visitors. I want to be able to give the user a more personalized experience with centralized information and multi-layered accessibility.



My company website. I started a company but don't have website yet :D


Damien fleminks

We will use it to bootstrap an MVP for a Saas application to help small businesses with their marketing outreach.


Maitrik Makwana

The first project I want to work is about building an web app similar to made in webflow but has more advanced features such as save webflow cloneable, add tag to your webflow cloneable (personalized save) etc.


Antonio Romero

I have already built a Internal CRM App in Wized 1 and want to build much more starting with the new Wized 2!

My goal is to build a two sided marketplace that comes equipped with marketing tools, built into an all-in-one team dashboard.

To learn more check out our demo page: www.growthub.net



App for communication between doctors and patients using Webflow + [Wized + Xano


Carly Bruce Harvey

I'm likely going to experiment with some internal tools first. However, I have someone in my business network that is in Law automation and is looking to build out some of their own internal and client-facing tools. Lots of opportunities there.


Simon Nilsen

We have for example created a live scoreboard using an api from an app and firebase, but then we where using workarounds for getting it into Webflow, but then where hard to style etc.


Jason Wright

A front-end sales solution that allows for order bumps, upsells, and authenticated access to a members area where personalized learning paths reside.


Kjetil Grøsland

A dashboard where logged in users can see and interact with data displayed on elegant javascript charts.


David O'Brien

After I master all the tools during a practice project or two, I plan to create a series of websites for restaurants and expand my freelancing projects by add ordering online capabilities to my websites.


Santino Romeri

I am building a project called Evernudge where creatives are incentivized to give and receive feedback on their yet-to-be-finished work.


John E. Matias

A membership site for one of my businesses that could replace my current stack that has a lot of things like memberstack, make.com, and some custom code gluing things together.


Adam Barley

I am currently scoping a project with a client who wants a custom food & beverage inventory management system for use across their numerous sites.


Jack Hayward

My main idea is a SaaS in which you are able to create bug requests/feature requests and have other developers compete to win the money. I envision it being a fun and interesting way to solve many different issues:

  1. Developers stuck on problems and are willing to pay for the fix
  2. Developers using this as a learning tool + side income
  3. A lot of people tell me "this is just StackOverflow" but, that's not strictly true - StackOverflow is VERY formal and oftentimes extremely condescending. This is a lighthearted platform. Simply post your bounty, set your price, pay the correct amount and then select the best solution, prize money goes to the user who submitted the selected solution.

I believe this will be possible, although I can't say for SURE as I don't fully know the ins and outs of Wized yet. Thank you, really excited to one day get my hands on Wized!


Shane Gauthier

The first project I would build would be a paid community around coaching and developing business owners. This would be far from a typical approach. I am super passionate about people and business. This would be a community where I invest in people who want to grow personally and become the best business leader they can be. Friends have told me many times over that I give incredible feedback and I cut straight to the heart of why. This would be a combination of personal, emotional, financial and behavioral growth to really excel people forward. All that to say, I think Wized would be an incredible fit.


Eugenio Keller Puente

Because I could finally create my own system in combination with Webflow to track my projects as freelancer. I work through freelancer.com, I have experience already on Webflow. I've staged my website waiting a bit to have access to wized and finally release my website with a CMS for my clients to login and request projects in a monthly basis using memberships within my website. I'm starving for wized!!! :D


Hiroyuki Watanabe

A booking system. This has been a feature I just can't work around using zapier, make or other no-code systems when working with Webflow.



A marketplace to help crew members to find sail boats looking for a helping hand for a passage or a bigger trip.



I've got a project coming up to build a PIM system(product information management). Feels like it will be a great opportunity to test-drive Wized.


Michael Warren

We are a translation/tech company in Japan and have envisioned a language resource portal for our university clients and our translator community — we've hit the wall with what V1 can do and are anxiously awaiting V2 to fully flesh out or vision.


Nicolas N Ordaz Jr

A web app for Toyota Company where Sales Team can track their quotes and car inventory.


Alyssa Gavinski

A membership site / gated content! A client of mine (agency) has a client who needs to give their users access to resources through a gated portal. This would be the perfect app to do it with.


Joseph Swiger

I am looking to relaunch my agency website but want to have a dashboard and support system integrated for all my clients to submit tickets and pay bills and keep track of their invoices and receipts. I'm not doing this until I either get access or whenever it releases.


Marco Mendes

I would duplicate our HQ application. HQ is the home to our community. A place where founders create meetings with mentors, other founders, and our team. A place where our community has access to exclusive resources and perks. And where digital events are held.

I would duplicate the WF project and rebuild the member's dashboard with Wized. Eliminating the need for a members collection in Webflow and therefore being able to grow the community to more than the 10K WF limit.

If it goes well, we might change our stack to include Wized on our current and future builds.



I'm currently building out a marketing site for a service that will serve as a bit of a dead-man's-switch -- upload your important documents and data and set up contacts and notifications and triggers to notify those contacts about life events and to transmit private, encrypted legal documents and data (passwords, account numbers, etc.) to delegated representatives easily and efficiently, without requiring multiple disconnected micro services control panels to handle the application logic.



I will use basic apps to learn wized but gpt3 apps are definitely I Wana try out


Scott Ruigrok

A first project would be with an existing client of mine, so that we could build a platform for his housing company. Connecting people in the apartment buildings together. Potentially creating a messaging system, a job board, tool share board etc. and more things that are deemed necessary along the way.

Thanks for considering.


Joy Christian

a simple working LMS for a training center


James Somers

I believe Wized users will create a lot of marketplace projects and some will struggle with using Stripe Connect for payouts. The first project that I will create will be a service to help marketplace creators use and onboard their sellers on to stripe connect. I aim to automate their api calls and possibly even provide clonables with xano functions already created to make calls to Stripe. To create this project I will use the Stripe API and Supabase (db, auth, edge functions, vault)


Óscar Saboya

A Website with a prívate área for future and current employees (researchers)


rian velders


memberships and page claiming features and ass much as wized has to offer


Andrew Freelander

I will rebuild my lead generation forms in wized. Currently built in bubble.io.

An example of what i want to rebuild can be found at: https://app.go-assist.co.uk/a-i-o?applianceType=dishwasher&manufacturer=AEG&source=wf&gclid=null&service=appliance

To have this inside Webflow along with our landing pages could be huuuuuge for our business.


Jonathan Tambe Ebot

Try to build a Web with Moralis (easy Web3 integration)

Web3 JobBoard

AI Saas for Youtuber

AI Saas for Kids Storytelling


Simon Lausen

The first project I will develop is a course website for a client that want to expand her business by selling courses online.

Next I have an engineering and architecture firm that wants to upload current developing projects for clients to follow the process.



I've already started creating a small web app that allows you to vote on your oscar picks and compete against friends - kind of like Fantasy Football for the Oscars!


Arthur Vu

An educational website


Shane O'Donnell

My first project with Wized will be to build a site listing events & results for a client of mine who times races and events all over the world. His current timing site has let him down so we need to pull the data from the timing system's API and present it in a way that people can log in to his site and search for their results/times.


Sébastien Wozny

I want to rebuild https://poesie.webflow.io/ with wized instead of memberstack, plugged on Airtable database.


Carril Agency

We are planning on building a school management system for school owners.



Access for member with custom dashboard

they able to login with gmail

Upgrade membership with full webapp


Carter Ogunsola

Primary project for my Wized access is my Startup “Auvlie-the airbnb for events”.

It’s a market place with 3 User types - User, Venue Host & Events Vendor.

It’d allows hosts to create account(wized auth) & list their properties (using wized triggers to send form data into airtable database).

Make(Integromat) would send Host Listing into a webflow CMS page from Airtable.

Users would be able to signup (wized auth), view venue listing (using data in to get/load from airtable), request date & time(google cal API & wized Data Out ), pay for venue using Stripe Connect API(to split payments).

Vendors would be additional at checkout and would also be using Stripe Connect API to charge vendors a % per booking.


Anthony Wahl

Adding interactivity to my marketplace and events booking platform for members logged into my family office platform.


Valentin Geffroy

Build a Notion consultants marketplace :)


Jon Livingston

DeerLab.com. Right now, there are design roadblocks due to the way it's coded. I would love to use Webflow and Wized if possible.


George Seevers

We would create a set of smart payments empowered weblfow sites that allow people and SMBs in Central America to creat a ONE CLICK shopping experience that rids them from UBER and UBER like platforms that charge 30% commission.



I'll build a dashboard for a client that is specialized in shipping industry in France.


Sina Azizi

My team and I are currently working on launching the world’s first educational software infrastructure by the No code stack (webflow wized Xano).

Our current efforts have relied on using vanilla js to connect Xano with webflow. But this has produced bloated code that is hard to debug and extend. We were so excited when we saw wized’s new release. It appears that 2.0 has addressed all the main problems with 1.0 and is now much easier to use and operate. We also believe our software infrastructure will serve as a great case study for wized as it will demonstrate how to build scalable complex web applications.

A bit about our infrastructure:

It contains ten pieces of Software in total, all deeply integrated to address the four significant steps in education: create learning content, launch them to students, assess students' comprehension, and intervene intelligently when necessary. Additional information can be provided upon request.


Harald Vogl

In the first place we're planning a project management system for internal use, with integrated client service areas for communication, planning and reporting, as well as contacts handling with with email integration.

If this will work out, we are going to create a revolutionary Saas system out of this :-)
